Designs and Models

– United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act, Cap. 246 of the laws of Sierra Leone, 1960.

Membership in International Conventions

– Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), since May 18, 1986.
– WTO’s TRIPS Agreement, since July 23, 1995.
– Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Stockholm Act, since June 17, 1997.
– African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), Harare Protocol, since February 25, 1999.


The registered proprietor of any design registered in the U.K. under the Patents and Designs Act, 1907 to 1932 or any act amending or substituting those acts shall enjoy in Sierra Leone the like privileges and rights as though the certificate of registration in the U.K. had been issued with an extension to Sierra Leone. No registration is necessary or possible, but some proprietors of British designs advertise their registrations in local newspapers. Please note that the current Patent and Industrial Design Act is still awaiting implementation.