– Copyright Act No. 28 of 2000, in force since November 2000, as amended up to 2005.
– Copyright Rules of 1967, as modified up to April 1983, as amended by the Copyright Rules, 2006.

Membership in International Conventions

– Universal Copyright Convention, since August 5, 1975.
– WTO's TRIPS Agreement, since January 1, 1995.
– Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, since May 4, 1999.
– Marrakesh Treaty, since December 26, 2022.


Registration of copyright is not obligatory, but if registration has taken place, the Register of Copyrights gives prima facie evidence of the particulars entered therein. 

Applicant: any person, firm or corporation claiming to be the proprietor of the work. 

Foreigners and nationals not living in the country: may apply but must furnish an address for service in Bangladesh. 

Copyrights of foreigners: same privileges and restrictions as a citizen of Bangladesh. 

Duration: (a) for literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works: during the lifetime of the author, plus 60 years after his death; (b) for cinematographic films, sound recordings, photographs, computer programmes: the duration of copyright is 60 years from publication. 

Registry: Copyright Office of Bangladesh, under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Internet address: www.copyrightoffice.gov.bd

Filing requirements for an application (to be sent to resident agent):
1. Power of attorney;
2. A certificate from the artist in case of artistic work;
3. 4 copies of original work in case of literary work;
4. Sketch of the artistic work.