– Commercial Torts Law, 5759-1999, in force since October 19, 1999.
– Commercial Torts Regulations (Remedies and Procedures), 5760-1999, in force since October 19, 1999.

Membership in International Conventions

– Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Stockholm Act.
– WTO's TRIPS Agreement, since April 21, 1995.


Definition: according to the Law "trade secret" is commercial information, of any kind, which is not in the public domain, and is not easily discoverable by lawful means by others, the secrecy of which grants its owner a business advantage over its competitors, provided that its owner implements reasonable measures to keep the information secret.

Criteria for enforcement: the definition of "trade secret" in the Law sets forth three criteria that have to be met in order to establish the secrecy of the trade secret: (1) the information is not in the public domain, and is not easily discoverable by lawful means; (2) the secrecy of the information provides its owner a business advantage over its competitors; and (3) provided that the owner implements reasonable measures to keep the information secret.

Assignment - licensing: possible.

Remedies for misappropriation: injunctions and damages. Disclosing a professional secret is also a criminal offence and may result in six months imprisonment.