Domain Names

– The Internet Domain Names Registration Regulations, approved by the Dispatch No. 1/2018 of the Secretary for the Transportation and Public Works.


Country code top-level domain name: .mo (also available in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese).


Applicant: must be either a local business, an organization, or a liberal professional, which has been registered according to the law and can independently assume civil liability. Only individuals of liberal professions may apply for domain name registration.

Restriction as to nationality: yes. Foreign applicants must appoint a representative in Macao to file the application as registration owners on their behalf. 

Local presence: a branch office in Macao is required when applying for registration of a domain name. However, even without a company registered in Macao, it is still possible to apply for a domain name, providing that the applicant owns a mark registered in Macao and has a representative who will act as the registered owner of the domain name. 

Domestic trademark right: not required for obtaining domain name registration. 

Domain name can be registered as a trademark: yes.

Registration, Protection

Duration: three years. 

Renewal/maintenance: three years, renewable.

Dispute about ownership: to be brought before the Court of First Instance. 

Uniform dispute resolution procedure: none.

Registration Authority

Authority name: Macao Network Information Centre (MONIC). 

Internet address: