– Article 166 and 167 of the Macao Commercial Code.

Membership in International Conventions

– WTO's TRIPS Agreement, with effect from December 20, 1999.
– Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Stockholm Act, with effect from December 20, 1999.


Definition: a trade secret is any technical or commercial information of practical use, able to benefit the owner economically, and that is not known to the public since all precautions have been taken by the owner to keep it confidential.

Assignment - licensing: possible.

Remedies for misappropriation: any trade secret infringement is considered unfair competition. The prejudiced party should initiate a judicial action within one year from the date when the it became aware of the fact, providing grounds for such court action, but not more than three years after the occurrence. Besides compensation for damages, the judicial decision declaring the existence of acts of unfair competition shall determine the prohibition of the continuation of the said practice, and shall indicate the appropriate means to eliminate the respective effects.