New Plant Varieties

– Royal Decree No. 49/2009 promulgating the Law on the Protection of Breeders' Rights in New Varieties of Plants, in force since July 1, 2010.
– Ministerial Decision No. 103/2015 issuing the Executive Regulation of the Law on the Protection of Breeders' Rights of New Plant Varieties, in force since April 17, 2015.

Membership in International Conventions

– International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1991 Act, since November 22, 2009.

Filing and Protection

Kind of plants: a breeder’s right can be protected on varieties belonging to the species designated in the national list of approved plant varieties in Oman.

Conditions of protection: plant varieties must be new, uniform, stable, and distinct and also must have their own denomination.

Novelty: the variety must not have been sold or otherwise disposed of for purposes of exploitation for more than one year in Oman, or more than four years in any foreign jurisdiction (or six years in the case of trees).

Uniformity: any variations must be describable, predictable, and commercially acceptable.

Stability: the variety, when reproduced, is deemed to remain unchanged with regard to its essential and distinctive characteristics within a reasonable degree of commercial reliability.

Distinctiveness: the variety must be clearly distinguishable from any other publicly known variety.

Filing requirements for plant variety applications:
1. Power of attorney;
2. Denomination of the variety;
3. Illustrations of the variety, along with a brief description;
4. Full disclosure of the origin of the variety and the method of breeding;
5. A detailed description of the consecutive stages of the choice and propagation processes which were used to breed the variety;
6. Proof of the novelty, uniformity, stability and distinctiveness of the variety.

The description of plant varieties shall be deemed sufficient when they are as complete as is reasonably possible.

Duration: twenty-five years from date of grant for trees and grapevines, and twenty years for other agricultural products.