– Law No. 5 of 2005 on Protection of Trade Secrets. The Implementing Regulations have not yet been issued, thus delaying the implementation of the law.

Membership in International Conventions

– WTO's TRIPS Agreement, since January 13, 1996.
– Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Stockholm Act, since July 5, 2000.


Definition: a trade secret is information (1) which in its totality, form or combined constituents is usually unknown, or cannot be easily accessed by any person involved or dealing with such type of information; (2) whose commercial value emanates from its confidentiality; (3) whose confidentiality depends on effective measures taken by its legal holder to keep the information confidential. Protection under the law also covers trade secrets resulting from confidential experiments or previously unknown data.

Criteria for enforcement: the legal holder of a trade secret must take measures necessary for maintaining such information in order to prevent others from using the same. In addition, the holder must regulate use of information within the institution utilizing it and limit utilization only to those who are legally committed to maintain information confidentially and prevent others from using it.

Assignment - licensing: possible.

Remedies for misappropriation: compensation for damages incurred, imprisonment for up to one year and/or a fine not exceeding 50,000 Qatari riyals.