(WIPO code: SG) (last revised February 2024)

by HSLEGAL LLP, Singapore - Ms Murgiana Haq

General Information


734.3 sq. km (including the small surrounding islands that form part of Singapore).


5.92 million, of whom 76.2% are Chinese, 15% Malay, 7.4% Indians and 2.4% of other ethnic groups.




National languages are Malay, Mandarin, Tamil. English is the official language.


Singapore dollar (SGD).

General Remarks

Singapore, an independent republic and a city state, is the world's second busiest and the largest port in S.E. Asia.

The basis of Singapore's prosperity is its (1) entrepot trade, electronic industries, chemicals and mineral oil processing trade; (2) financial services; (3) research and development services, in particular in aviation and bio-medical sciences. It is the third largest oil-refining center in the world. Industries include shipbuilding, oil-rig construction, electronics, precision machinery, medical equipment, automotive and aircraft components. It is a large servicing center for ship and aircraft repairing, banking, trading, consultancy, education and medical services. Singapore is the largest financial center for S.E. Asia.


Statistics of applications filed
2019 2020 2021 2022
Patents 14,136 13,265 14,590 14,653
Trade and service marks 55,380 53,197 58,898 60,166
Designs 1,410 1,286 1,635 1,426
Geographical indications 142 2 0 24