Domain Names

– Use of State Signs Law of June 20, 1996.
– Implementing Regulation governing the Use of State Signs Law for use of  “.ad” as part of a domain name, dated September 6, 2000.


Country code top-level domain name: .ad 

Sub-domains: (if the domain name is for private use only).

Applicant: natural and legal persons.  

Restriction as to nationality: none. 

Local presence: required. Persons not resident in Andorra must be represented in dealings with the Andorran Trademark Office (OMPA) by an accredited agent. Legal entities must be registered at the Andorran Register of Companies. 

Domestic trademark right: required for obtaining domain name registration. 

Domain name can be registered as a trademark: yes.

Registration, Protection

Duration: two years.

Renewal/maintenance: two years, renewable.

Dispute about ownership: to be brought before the courts.

Uniform dispute resolution procedure: none.

Registration Authority

Authority name: Andorra Telecom. 

Internet address: