Domain Names

There is no specific legislation although some regulations on the organization and management of country code top-level domain names do exist.


Country code top-level domain name: .it 

Sub-domains: admitted, but only as a geographical indication, for example [name of the region].it or [name of the province].it 

Applicant: individuals and legal entities.

Restriction as to nationality: yes; individuals or juridical persons must belong to or reside in an EU member State.

Local presence: required (EU presence).

Domestic trademark right: not required for obtaining domain name registration.

Domain name can be registered as a trademark: according to Article 12 of the Industrial Property Code, it is not possible to register a sign identical or similar to a prior domain name generally used in Italy for goods and services identical or similar to those applied for.

Registration, Protection

Duration: one year.

Renewal/maintenance: one year, renewable.

Dispute about ownership: can be brought before one of a limited number of specialized courts.

Uniform dispute resolution procedure: available (arbitration and variation of UDRP) before NIC IT.

Registration Authority

Authority name: IIT-CNR.

Internet address: