– Copyright Act 2003, in force since November 15, 2003.
– Copyright (Commencement) Order, 2003, in force since November 20, 2003.

Membership in International Conventions

– WTO's TRIPS Agreement, since January 1, 1995.
– Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, since August 7, 1999.
– Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, since November 9, 1999.


Registration is not required for owners of an original work. Copyright protection is automatic and free from the moment a work is created. 

Duration: during the lifetime of the author, plus 70 years after his death.


Authority name: n.a.  Internet address: n.a.  

Collective Management Organization: ECCO (www.eccorights.org).