Industrial Designs

Same as for “Patents of Invention“.

Membership in International Conventions

Same as for “Patents of Invention“.


Definition: industrial designs are defined as a positively new look to be imparted to known utility products, without excluding possible copyright concepts on it. 

Not protectable: industrial designs contrary to moral or to public order.

Examination: the application is examined only as to formal requirements.

Delivery of document: the registration certificate is issued in electronic format only.

Duration: ten years as of the filing date, non-renewable.

Rights conferred upon the title holder: the public disclosure or the registration of an industrial design, if not anticipated by the publication or marketing effected by others, shall be the source of its property right, providing such anticipation was not in turn the result of an abuse of confidentiality, contractual breach or illegal acts which occurred within the two years preceding the public disclosure or registration in question. The title owner is entitled to impede the use and marketing of the protected design, even on products not comprised in the registration. The individual creator of the registered industrial design may require to have his name quoted as such in the respective application papers as well as on the registration certificate, if applicable, save his free written desire to the contrary.