New Plant Varieties

– Law No. 16.580 of September 21, 1994 approving the Accession to UPOV Convention.
– Law No. 16.811 of February 21, 1997 on the Development, Production, Distribution and Internal and External Marketing of Seeds and Phytogenetic Creations.
– Law No. 18.467 of February 27, 2009, amending several provisions of Law No. 16.811.

Membership in International Conventions

– Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Stockholm Act.
– International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1978 Act, since November 13, 1994.


In Uruguay, the National Institute of Seeds will be in charge of the Register of Crops’ Properties, in order to recognize and to guarantee rights to the originator of a new vegetable variety, through the granting of a title deed in accordance with UPOV. For a foreign crop to be granted protection, it must be examined on a national level as to novelty, and the application must include the common and scientific denomination of the species, the name of the crop, its description, origin, etc.