– Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Trade Secrets of September 11, 2014, No. ZRU-374.
– Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Membership in International Conventions

– Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Stockholm Act, since December 25, 1991.


Definition: Law on Trade Secrets definition: trade secret is information that has commercial value in scientific, technical, technological, industrial, financial, economic and other spheres due to it being unknown to third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis and the owner of this information takes measures to protect its confidentiality; Civil Code definition: civil legislation protects information constituting official and commercial secrets, in the case when the information has actual or potential commercial value due to it being unknown to third parties, there is no free access to it on a legal basis and the owner of the information takes measures to protect its confidentiality.

Criteria for enforcement: a trade secret must meet the following requirements: (1) have a valid or potential commercial value for its owner due to it being unknown to third parties; (2) not to be publicly known or publicly available in accordance with the legislation; (3) be provided with measures to protect its confidentiality; (4) not possess signs of state secrets and other secrets protected by law. The content and scope of a trade secret are determined by its owner.

Assignment - licensing: the owner of a trade secret has the right to introduce a commercial secret into civil circulation on the basis of contracts/agreements providing for the inclusion of conditions for the protection of its confidentiality in them.

Remedies for misappropriation: the owner of a trade secret has the right to protect, in accordance with the procedure established by the Law, their rights in cases of disclosure, illegal receipt or illegal use by third parties of their trade secret, including to demand compensation for damages caused in connection with violation of their rights. When economic entities carry out trade, economic, scientific, technical, monetary, financial and other relations, the contracting parties specifically stipulate the nature and list of information constituting a trade secret, as well as mutual obligations to ensure its protection.

Comments: in order for information to be kept as trade secret, it is necessary that the special, established by law measures for its protection, restricting access to it, were observed. Namely, it should include: (1) determination of the list and volume of information constituting a trade secret; (2) establishing the order for dealing with trade secrets and monitoring compliance with such an order; (3) accounting of persons who have gained access to trade secrets; (4) the application to material carriers of trade secrets or the inclusion in the requisites of documents containing trade secrets of the stamp "Trade Secret" with the indication of its owner. The owner of a trade secret, a confidant (a legal entity or an individual who has obtained possession and use of a trade secret on the basis of an agreement with its owner), has the right to apply other measures to protect trade secrets that do not contradict the legislation. The organization of measures to protect trade secrets and control over their implementation are entrusted to the owner of the trade secret and/or the confidant.