

Since 1924



(WIPO code: BR)
(last revised March 2024)
by DANNEMANN SIEMSEN – Patent Attorneys, Rio de Janeiro


8,515,767,049 sq. km.


214,031,430 (estimated 2021).


Brasilia with 3,111,000 inhabitants (estimated Dec. 2021).


1 real (R$ 1.00) = 100 centavos = 0.17 U.S. dollar (Dec. 2021).




(2020): U.S.$ 158,786.8 million.


(2020): U.S.$ 209,180.2 million.

Most important agricultural, mineral, and industrial products

Pineapple, cotton, garlic, Brazil nuts, rice, oats, bananas, potatoes, coffee, sugar-cane, onions, rye, barley, coconuts, beans, tobacco, jute, grapes, castor beans, manioc, corn, sisal, soybeans, tomatoes, wheat, oranges, cattle, pigs, sheep, iron, coal, manganese, salt, crystals, precious stones, foodstuffs, chemicals, petrochemicals, textiles, metallurgy, transportation, electrical and communications material, shipyards, housing, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, automotive vehicles, airplanes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, steel products, paper pulp, ethanol and oil. More than half of the land in Brazil is still covered with forests, which form one of the largest wood reserves in the world.

Brazil is the largest and most populous country in South America, covering nearly half of the South American continent. Four-fifths of Brazilian territory is situated between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn and 57% of it is approximately 200 to 900 meters above sea level. Brazil was discovered in 1500 by the Portuguese and remained a Portuguese colony until 1822 when its independence was declared. Brazil then became an Empire until 1889 when the Republic was proclaimed.

The country consists of 26 States and 1 Federal District. The first capital of Brazil was Salvador in the State of Bahia, but the capital was later removed to Rio de Janeiro where it remained until 1960 when a new capital, Brasilia, was inaugurated and which can now boast over 2 million inhabitants. The most populous States are (estimated Dec. 2021): São Paulo: 46,817,046; Minas Gerais: 21,466,892; Rio de Janeiro: 17,506,184; Bahia: 15,009,004; Rio Grande do Sul: 11,487,032; Paraná: 11,635,020; Pernambuco: 9,702,905 and Ceará: 9,226,001. The population originated mainly from Whites (at present about 45.22%), Blacks (8.86%), Mulattos (45.06%), Indians (0.32%) and Asiatics (0.47%). Immigration since 1821 has been as follows: Portuguese 30%, Italians 30%, Spaniards 12.5%, Germans 5%, Japanese 4%, various other countries 18.5%.

Statistics (2020) Filed Issued
Patents (incl. PCT national phase entry), utility models and certificates of addition 27,091 21,309
Trademarks 275,585 141,775

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